Tips and Tricks

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Business Travelers Have a Unique Perspective on Flying and Life

The world looks different from 38,000 feet on a delayed flight late on a Thursday night.  It looks different at 6 am over the first cup of coffee in the hotel lobby while putting the last touches on a PowerPoint deck.  And it looks different on Saturday morning when squeezing in the dry cleaning and…

A deviled egg is placed on a white paper plate with a plastic fork and knife. The plate is resting on a napkin with the text "DELTA SKY CLUB" printed on it. The background is a dark surface.
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TBT: Airport Deviled Eggs

The Delta Sky Club brought to mind one of my favorite posts of yesteryear – airport deviled eggs. Why? Because despite Jim’s observation that travel is not healthy, it really should be.  And part of that is eating lots of protein. I get excited these days that domestic airline lounges have improved their food offerings.  One…

United planes
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5 Lessons I Learned from Flying Non-Rev

The recent United Legging-gate episode reminded me of my days as a non-rev pass traveler. An acquaintance who worked for an airline usually had a few extra vouchers every year. As a young professional with a small income and a big curiosity, I gladly accepted the nearly-free passes. And as glad as I was to…

A red Starbucks cup filled with a frothy beverage, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg. The cup features the Starbucks logo in green and white.
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Is Your Starbucks Mobile Order Slowing You Down?

The hack of using Starbucks mobile order to bypass the morning coffee line is a good one. Possibly too good. It seems that Starbucks mobile order has become so popular that the coffee giant cannot keep up with the demand. This has resulted in several problems: Inefficient crowd flow in stores as waiting guests crowd the barista…

The image shows three people on a city sidewalk, all engaged with their mobile phones. A woman on the left, dressed in black and carrying a green bag, is looking down at her phone. In the middle, a woman wearing a white tank top, denim shorts, and sunglasses is talking on her phone while holding a white handbag. On the right, a man in a pink shirt and jeans is also talking on his phone, holding a wallet in his other hand. The background includes other pedestrians and urban elements like scaffolding and buildings.
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Running a Household Remotely with the Hub App

Our daily schedule is completely unpredictable. We’re both consultants and our lives are crazy because of our jobs, business and personal travel, and other time commitments. Sometimes communication is a challenge when juggling flights, multiple time zones, and never-ending conference calls. Attending to our household business is a challenge. The Cloud to the Rescue I use collaboration software…

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Travel is not Healthy

Several years ago, my doctor told me that my lifestyle at the time was going to kill me. He was brutally honest and absolutely right. My health was suffering from paying attention to everything in my life except myself. And it’s something we can probably all relate to. I was not taking the time to…

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Routines – Six Things I’m Doing Right and Six Things I Have to Improve

“I was in five different states this week.” “I forgot I was driving my own car and kept looking for the beige Toyota in the parking garage.” “I haven’t had anything but condiments in my refrigerator in the past two months.” “I can’t remember what its like to not have jet lag.” All of these…