TBT: Airport Deviled Eggs

The Delta Sky Club brought to mind one of my favorite posts of yesteryear – airport deviled eggs.
Why? Because despite Jim’s observation that travel is not healthy, it really should be. And part of that is eating lots of protein.
I get excited these days that domestic airline lounges have improved their food offerings. One of my favorite things is that both American Airlines Admirals Clubs and Delta Sky Clubs usually have hard boiled eggs in the morning. And hard boiled eggs with the right toppings = airport deviled eggs.

The genesis of airport deviled eggs was my need to make lunch in a tiny airport one autumn afternoon. Take two hardboiled eggs from a deli case. Slice. Add sandwich condiments to yolk. Mix. Eat. Yum.
So we love it when we get to revisit an old favorite again. This makes the morning so much better, especially when we have not had enough sleep because of DFW tornado weather.
Do you have any favorite lounge or airport food hacks?
In addition, she embraces the opportunity to maximize her vacation time by planning extracurricular trips that have taken her to over 60 countries and 47.5 US states.
47.5? How do you visit half a state? Are you saying you went to two of the four main Hawaiian islands?
Funny you should ask. I’ve been on a plane that landed in Hawaii that touched down to offload human cargo and refuel… but we were not allowed to leave the aircraft. Since I’ve physically made an aircraft landing but my feet haven’t touched the ground, I’ve always jokingly referred to that as my “half state”. I hope to finally hit my full 50 this year though!