Tips & Tricks

violence and viral videos
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How to Make a Return from Vacation Pain-Free (Almost)

Yesterday was our return from vacation after a week-long trip to the Bahamas and Cuba. After being gone for that long, there are always the inevitable household tasks to take care of before the next business trip and regular life kicks in again soon. Is there anything important in that giant stack of mail on the…

Summer Travel Essentials
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Summer Travel – 21 Must-Have Essentials

Summer travel time is almost here.  For many, that means taking a trip to somewhere sunny – a cruise, beach vacation, camping, or foreign exploration. We are just returning from a week in the sun cruising on the Norwegian Sky.  Now that I’m back, I wanted to share my personal list of must-have summer travel essentials.  These 21 items…

The image shows a white plastic jar of "Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream." The label on the jar is predominantly blue and red with white text. It reads "The Ancient Egyptians' Secret, All Natural Cream" at the top, followed by "Egyptian Magic" in larger red letters. Below that, it says "All Purpose Skin Cream." The jar contains 1 fluid ounce (30 milliliters) of the product. The label also includes some additional text and symbols, such as "Peace" and "Love," and directions for use in both English and French.
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Three Secret Travel Toiletries I Can’t Live Without

I am giving away all my secrets lately.  First I confessed that I travel with my secret weapons for good hair.   Now I’m admitting to three secret travel toiletries that I cannot live without. I hunt these babies down.  Sometimes buy them in bulk.  I simply cannot run out.  Ever. They are not the things you’d usually think of…

fyre money fire
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Fyre Festival Debacle and Five Travel Planning Takeaways

As my flight cruises high above the California desert, passing near Coachella, I can’t stop thinking (and laughing) about the giant music-festival-turned-dumpster-fire known as the Fyre Festival. The #fyrefraud was targeted at high net worth Millenials. It was supposed to be a two-weekend “luxury music festival”. Event organizers claimed the location, a private island in…

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40% Off at NatureBox

Delta switched out their onboard coach snack choices last fall.   After years of pretzels and Biscoff cookies, having something different was like discovering crack.  I quickly found myself addicted to the Greek Yogurt Apple Cinnamon Oat Bars from NatureBox  Knowing it was somewhat healthy was merely a bonus. I was excited to discover that NatureBox…


Flaming Tumbleweeds and Flying Trampolines: Texas Severe Weather

If you are traveling to Texas or the South (yes, they are different but that’s for another post) during tornado season in the early Spring, you’ll want to be mindful of tornadoes and other severe weather. During this time of year, the bluebonnets are beautiful but the twisters…not so much.   And, yes, flaming tumbleweed…

United planes
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5 Lessons I Learned from Flying Non-Rev

The recent United Legging-gate episode reminded me of my days as a non-rev pass traveler. An acquaintance who worked for an airline usually had a few extra vouchers every year. As a young professional with a small income and a big curiosity, I gladly accepted the nearly-free passes. And as glad as I was to…

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Travel is not Healthy

Several years ago, my doctor told me that my lifestyle at the time was going to kill me. He was brutally honest and absolutely right. My health was suffering from paying attention to everything in my life except myself. And it’s something we can probably all relate to. I was not taking the time to…