Good Hair While Traveling

I finally understand why Snow White’s stepmother was so concerned. The older I get, the more vain I become. Maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. But I no longer have my youthful glow. Jet leg catches up to me quicker than before. Leggings are definitely NOT my friend. Is it too much to ask that I at least have good hair while traveling?
I have finally found the secret. I used to make fun of girls who traveled with their own hair dryer. After all, the hotel provides one of those. So only inexperienced travelers and true divas travel with their own gear.
Well, I may be in the latter camp now. If that makes me wrong, I don’t want to be right.
I have fallen in love with Buttercup. Actually Baby Buttercup
if we want to split hairs (no pun intended).
Yes… I am toting around a bright yellow travel hair dryer with me everywhere I journey.
Jim makes fun of me. Once upon a time I would have believed that I could get my road warrior card pulled for such a flagrant offense. Now I don’t care. Vanity has won.
You see, I got tired of checking into hotel rooms only to find that the hair dryer had gone missing. Or to try to use it to find that it had very little horsepower – or low heat. Some needed to cool down every five minutes by taking a ten minute nap. Others had one speed – slow.
The result was that I found myself too many times rushing to try to dry my hair and ending up with partially dried hair thrown up in a haphazard ponytail or bun. Or hair that was only halfway styled when I’d intended a more polished look requiring more time with a heat tool. It was maddening and frustrating.
The Baby Buttercup has three speeds. It also comes with its own heat nozzle. (Technically the ones in the hotel room do too, but good luck finding one that is actually still married to its original device!) It comes with a handy carrying bag and folds flat (or at least “in half”).
But the obsession didn’t stop at the travel hair dryer. That would be too easy.
You see, I’ve become a full-on blow-out convert at home – and occasionally for good hair while traveling too. At least a couple of times a month, I treat myself to a full “blow-out”. This is the experience of having my hair washed, dried, and styled professionally. Usually I sip champagne (or occasionally just tea or coffee) and read a magazine or catch up on emails or writing. It is a relaxing experience – sometimes I go before work on a Friday just so I can enjoy freshly styled hair throughout the day and then into the evening. Other times I’ll go in the evening to get ready for date night.
After reading the Drybar Guide to Good Hair for All: How to Get the Perfect Blowout at Home I have become convinced that with an extra 15 minutes every morning I can walk out the door looking amazing using the same salon techniques myself. I’ve also figured out the ones that translate easily to good hair while traveling.
In addition to the aforementioned Baby Buttercup, I am also carrying a set of Drybar High Tops Hair Rollers
. I throw those in to the top layer of hair when my hair is damp (or when I’ve just woken up on day-old hair before I jump in the shower), and then let them sit while I get ready. I can then blow dry the bottom layers while adding volume to the crown.
And for those days when I’m running late for the airport but know I’m going to need a chic style? L. Erickson Ponytail Holders are my absolute favorite – thick and durable – they hold up well, don’t look embarrassing if you decide to wrap one on your wrist absent mindedly, and don’t get lost in the bottom of a tote easily.
Carrying the dryer has meant giving up an extra pair of shoes in my carry-on bag when I travel each week. Has it been worth it to have good hair while traveling? I think so!
Did anyone ever compliment me on that additional pair of shoes? No, not once!
Do I get extra glances in the airport and “hey, you look nice” remarks from colleagues now? You betcha, buttercup!
Great article…I totally get the need to lug along the hairdryer (and I am a “travel super light” non-girly type of woman)! Personally I let my hair dry naturally and travel with a flat iron which helps me look human. I am seriously debating whether I should lug my flat iron this summer when traveling through Africa for 4 weeks carrying only a small carry-on duffel. The flat iron may win!
I started to carry a blow dryer for work travel and I’m okay with that, but I need a diffuser which adds more bulk. I also finally found a product that does not weigh my curls down – so that helps tremendously.
I wish I could stomach the price of that dryer – but not sure I would drop that much on anything unless I could evaluate it first.
I’m going to get a blow out before my international flight – I will let you know if it was worth it or not!