Travel News

Frontier Airline insults reporter

Frontier Corporate Communications Head Insults Local Reporter

Frontier Airlines is engaged in a war of the words with a local reporter in Denver.  The airline’s head of corporate communications, Jim Faulkner, fired off an angry letter to Denver television reporter Kyle Clark lobbing multiple personal insults. How Frontier Airlines Tangled With Kyle Clark Clark aired a story about a Denver press conference Frontier Airlines held recently to announce…

American Airlines requesting support for ATC upgrades

ATC Privatization Shouldn’t Be A Political Decision

Last week, Trump proposed fast-tracking the NextGen air traffic control system (or ATC abbreviated) for managing commercial flights over US airspace. Some airlines have taken to goading their members to support the bill. However, you should make your own decision and it should be an apolitical one. Advocates of the privatization measure say moving air traffic…

Old car in Cuba
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Are Communism and Safety Fears Keeping Americans Away From Cuba?

A year after the US eased travel restrictions to Cuba, Americans are actually less willing to visit the island. In 2017, only 40% of Americans are interested in taking a trip to Cuba. That’s down 2% from last year. As a result, major airlines are already pulling out of the market or reducing the number of flights to the island.  And many…

fyre money fire
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Fyre Festival Debacle and Five Travel Planning Takeaways

As my flight cruises high above the California desert, passing near Coachella, I can’t stop thinking (and laughing) about the giant music-festival-turned-dumpster-fire known as the Fyre Festival. The #fyrefraud was targeted at high net worth Millenials. It was supposed to be a two-weekend “luxury music festival”. Event organizers claimed the location, a private island in…


Will Apple Kill the Uber App (and Uber)?

Apple could effectively kill Uber by simply removing the Uber app from Apple’s App Store. This is exactly what Apple threatened to do after it learned the Uber app had been designed specifically to circumvent Apple’s privacy rules. Uber was able to track iPhone users even after they had deleted the app from the iPhone or iPad devices….

A person is holding a white smartphone in their hand. The phone's screen displays the lock screen with the time "12:23" and the date "Monday, July 29." The background image on the screen appears to be a starry sky. The phone shows a battery level of 75% and a signal strength indicator. The text "slide to unlock" is visible at the bottom of the screen.

Onboard Calls Won’t Fly

In 2013, the FCC announced it was considering a proposal to allow fliers to make onboard calls while airborne on domestic flights. They requested input from airline pilots, flight attendants, carriers, and passengers. Not surprisingly, the opinions were overwhelmingly against the measure. Yesterday, the FCC chairman announced a halt to the proposal which would have allowed cell…