Please Allow Me to (re)Introduce Myself

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Is this thing on?
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Oh wow… okay then, let’s begin again.
Hello! Its been a little while so I wanted to take the mic and give you a little background of what we are doing here.
Many of you may be here because you clicked a link on today. Others may have stumbled here by accident. Still others may have been trying to find the Jetsetter’s Homestead.
No worries… you are in the right place, or so we hope!
From Home and Back is the latest incarnation of a site that I revived back in 2014 as the Jetsetter’s Homestead. (Previously I authored Another Glass of Champagne Please from 2005 to 2010.)
My blogging career has much mirrored my life.
Another Glass of Champagne Please was written at the height of my frequent flying. I was traveling between 200,000 – 300,000 miles a year, managing two companies, and living out a busy single social life in my early to mid 30s. After the closure of one of those companies, I decided to take brief hiatus.
That hiatus lasted for four years until Randy Petersen invited me to come write. At that time, I’d crossed over age 40, was flying less (around 150,000 miles a year), managing a busy volunteer calendar, and maintaining an old house on my own. Jetsetters Homestead was designed to be a place to write about work/life balance and juggling travel along with that.
In 2016 my life changed again. I reconnected with an old friend and ended up sparking a relationship that altered my world.

That friend (now my husband) Jim started writing for Jetsetters Homestead and we switched our focus a bit (both on the blog and in real-life). I started to question more about whether I was traveling thoughtfully and when I might try to slow down my travels. My travel slowed down a bit (to a manageable 100,000-ish miles a year) and I decided not to chase points the way I once did. We conferred with the gang at BoardingArea and decided a rebrand would be wise.
So here we are… kicking off a new chapter. From Home and Back is about the next chapter. What happens when you step off the road warrior track? Or when you no longer plan your vacations exclusively around miles/points (but still love to collect them)? What happens when priorities at home conflict with wanderlust and juggling is required?
We are NOT about how to get into the points and miles game. We are what happens next.
And what makes us qualified to do that? Well, we’ve lived it. Between the two of us, we’ve started and sold, spun off, and/or divested a half-dozen companies. I’ve traveled extensively for almost 20 years (with the continuous streak of top-tier and lifetime statuses to show for it). Jim has been an ex-pat and managed that lifestyle. And now we both try to satiate our wanderlust in between running a household, wrangling an 80 pound puppy, spending time with our family, and renovating a nearly century-old home.
You’ll find us still talking about work/life balance, business travel, home renovation, household management, and yes – some really fun wanderlust worthy travels of our own. (Like the five-week, nine country trip we are planning now… and yes, points and miles both come into play!)
We frequently Instagram the general happenings in our life – and are particularly active on Instagram Stories.
So if you are curious what happens after the mileage runs get old, chasing status loses its luster, or what you do when you get grounded – you are in the right place. Bookmark us and let us take you From Home and Back.
Jennifer (and Jim)
Thank you. There are many of us who are retired or equivalent who no longer travel so much but still want to enjoy our travel opportunities and points/miles management.
Welcome back 🙂 Missed you guys…
Welcome back!
same, welcome back. I think taking a sane approach to this and talking about things like “um, did we arrange for dog care” or “ten top things to remember before boarding your dog” are things that folks who go into excruciating detail about the quality of the edamame guacamole in the club are not going to cover and the rest of us like to hear about. These things are important too.
Congrats on getting hitched. Its a nice feeling.
Hi there! I’m an new reader. I look forward to your angle and reading about your upcoming nine country trip!
So glad you are back. Look forward to reading one of my favorite blogs again.