travel toiletries

The image shows a white plastic jar of "Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream." The label on the jar is predominantly blue and red with white text. It reads "The Ancient Egyptians' Secret, All Natural Cream" at the top, followed by "Egyptian Magic" in larger red letters. Below that, it says "All Purpose Skin Cream." The jar contains 1 fluid ounce (30 milliliters) of the product. The label also includes some additional text and symbols, such as "Peace" and "Love," and directions for use in both English and French.
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Three Secret Travel Toiletries I Can’t Live Without

I am giving away all my secrets lately.  First I confessed that I travel with my secret weapons for good hair.   Now I’m admitting to three secret travel toiletries that I cannot live without. I hunt these babies down.  Sometimes buy them in bulk.  I simply cannot run out.  Ever. They are not the things you’d usually think of…