Business Travel

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Artificial Intelligence Could Speed Airport Security

The TSA started testing a new system recently which may make security screenings a little easier. The goal is to greatly increase the speed and accuracy of passing travelers through the airport security screening process. The system uses improved body scanners and artificial intelligence techniques. This isn’t exactly like Total Recall, but it’s not too far off either….

The image shows the wing of an airplane in flight, with a view of a sunset or sunrise in the background. The sky is filled with a mix of warm colors, including orange, yellow, and hints of blue, reflecting off the water below. The horizon is visible, and there are some landmasses in the distance. The scene is serene and picturesque, capturing the beauty of flying above the clouds during a colorful sky transition.
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Watch Your LAX Flights in Mid-May; 21 Airlines Are on the Move

There was big news out of Los Angeles International Airport yesterday that will affect many passengers with LAX flights in mid-May, particularly those involving Delta.  21 airlines will shuffle across 4 terminals in a multi-night move designed to streamline long-term operations at the airport. Beginning on Friday May 12, three sequential overnight moves will take…

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Routines – Six Things I’m Doing Right and Six Things I Have to Improve

“I was in five different states this week.” “I forgot I was driving my own car and kept looking for the beige Toyota in the parking garage.” “I haven’t had anything but condiments in my refrigerator in the past two months.” “I can’t remember what its like to not have jet lag.” All of these…

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It’s Okay to Skip the First Class Lounge (and Other Realities of Business Travel)

If you have found yourself here at the Jetsetter’s Homestead, chances are fairly good that you landed here either because you read a lot of travel blogs already or because you are researching upcoming travel (and thus will soon be buried in the world of travel blogs).  It seems like everyone has a travel blog these…

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(Almost) Free Weekends For the Taking

There are hundreds of websites touting free travel tips, most of which revolve around credit card tricks (sign up bonuses, manufactured spending, or the like) or redeeming points/miles for trips.  But if you already travel for business, there are often many opportunities out there for free weekends. My favorite way to get free weekends is…

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(POLL) Hotel Tipping – Beyond the Norm

I’ve had several interesting off-blog conversations about hotel tipping recently. One came up in a side discussion about my issue last week with a Starwood hotel failing to deliver on a service request.  (A friend asked whether I would have tipped if the requested item eventually showed up, even after the lengthy delay… my answer, YES.) Another was broached…