

Common Cultural Foods: Beans or No Beans?

Food is the great equalizer. Or so you would think. Everybody has to eat. And the list of common cultural ingredients is fairly lengthy.  Rice, wheat, beans, fish, meat, poultry, legumes, oils, dairy, fruits, vegetables – at some point in time, it all begins to cross-pollinate. And yet every person in every corner of the globe…

ballpark food
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The Inevitable Evolution of the Ballpark Hot Dog

I’ve met several people in my life who have traveled to every ballpark in the country to see America’s pastime being played everywhere it can be. For them, being in those places to see the game across the country is a thrill; the goal for traveling to all those stadiums is for the game itself….

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Travel is not Healthy

Several years ago, my doctor told me that my lifestyle at the time was going to kill me. He was brutally honest and absolutely right. My health was suffering from paying attention to everything in my life except myself. And it’s something we can probably all relate to. I was not taking the time to…

Mexican patio dining
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The Taste of Being at Home

One of the best things about spending a substantial amount of time in one place is developing a relationship with the food. Often, at least in our youth, that means identifying “home” with the food from our mothers’ and grandmothers’ kitchens. But after living abroad, that also means associating your new home with new tastes and…

What’s For Dinner? Easy Recipe: Sriracha Honey Wings

Lately I’ve developed a regular craving for chicken wings.  I don’t think it has anything to do with the project I’ve been working in Buffalo, but perhaps it does. Unlike traditional Buffalo wings, however, I sometimes like a little bit of sweet with my heat.  After some experimentation, I’ve concocted this easy recipe for sriracha…


Lazy Saturdays and Blueberry Pancakes

Lazy Saturdays and gluten free blueberry pancakes are the best.  It seems like lately (i.e. the last 15 years or so) I don’t get lazy Saturdays often.  I’m always traveling on the weekends.  Or I’m home and working through a massive to-do list on weekend mornings.  And I very rarely get the time (or inclination) to sleep in.  Or at least not on…