Author: Jennifer Moody

Jennifer is a management consultant and avid volunteer. Her career and volunteer duty travels have helped her log top-tier airline and hotel status annually for the last nineteen years. In addition, she embraces the opportunity to maximize her vacation time by planning extracurricular trips that have taken her to over 60 countries and 48.5 US states. Once an "every week" road warrior, she now only travels around 100 days a year. She resides in her native Fort Worth, Texas where she enjoys cooking, gardening, sewing, needlepoint, wine, and playing with her Border Collie/Great Pyreness mix puppy Harley Quinn.
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An App to Prevent a Common Travel Woe – Jetlag Rooster

While like many seasoned road warriors I like to believe that I’m immune to jetlag (with boasts like “my body clock is broken”, I’m definitely guilty of this), the reality is that even a tiny amount of internal disruption can wreck havoc on vacation plans if the internal clock cannot be reset.  For me, jetlag…