The Best Replacement iPhone Earbuds

I’ve had an iPhone for a long time, since the very first iPhone 3G came out.
That was 10 years ago.
And during that time, I’ve owned exactly three iPhones (one of which is still in service, barely, in South America) and one Samsung Galaxy. All of them came with included earbuds which were acceptable, although not great.
I continue to buy new iPhones because they are well-designed and generally well-built. And although the earbuds are designed equally as well, there are replacements which are even better. I discovered this when I lost the ones included with my iPhone 5. Luckily, the Apple Store didn’t have any in stock that week. I instead had to do some research to find a suitable replacement.
The Sennheiser studio reference headphones I had were exceptional. And my first pair, the old model HD 280 Pro
, were given to me by an audio engineer for whom I had done some work in college and who helped me prepare my lectures on acoustical transduction.
So it was natural to start looking there for iPhone earbud replacements. After several attempts (yes, I was somewhat obsessive about this), I finally settled on these and they are excellent.
The Sennheiser Momentum In Ear are way better than the Apple earbuds which are already great to begin with. They are more comfortable, especially with the foam extensions (which are optional but recommended). And the effective range is better than both the Apple and the Bose in-ear noise-cancelling earbuds.
The price tag may seem steep. But it is well worth the investment for someone who uses them frequently for working out or travelling. And if you have an Android device, there is a version for you as well.
I have yet to upgrade to the iPhone 7 as I will wait to upgrade my Sennheiser earbuds until the iPhone 8 comes out. Unlike Jennifer who is happy to use her slightly older Bose QuietComfort 20
in ear set with an adapter and the iPhone 7
, I prefer to have the latest set that is ready for the most current Apple technology.
For my money, the Etymotic Research, ER 4P-T’s, are the best there is, for 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, Classic Rock
Somewhat neutral on bass response; (although, it seems more natural), IMHO
mid-range, & treble are exceptional
FYI: If you want truly EXCEPTIONAL response from your IPhone, download Studio Music Player, on IOS
Dynamic range & tonal quality are considerably better than Apple Music App
BTW: the SMP, actually, syncs the particular headphone, or earbuds, to the player
Trust me, you won’t regret it!