Five Travel Amenities To Bring Home After Your Next Trip

The image is a cartoon illustration of a green and yellow airplane. The airplane has a series of windows along its side and a blue cockpit window. The wings and tail are green, and the body is primarily yellow.
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One of my favorite things about travel is being treated to the unexpected.  There is something nice about discovering a new toiletry product or being treated to premium amenities.  I’m always on the hunt for travel amenities to bring home after a great trip.

Often, I don’t need to stuff my suitcase to bring home travel amenities.  Instead I can jump online and purchase my own versions after I return.

Fabulous Soaps

Soaps are one of my favorite travel amenities to bring home.  They don’t take up lots of room and typically hotels don’t mind if 1 or 2 end up in your suitcase!

One of my favorite things about cruising on Seabourn is the suite welcome on embarkation day.  Our suite stewardess helps orient us to the suite and brings in a tray of various soaps to pick from for the bathroom.  We are allowed to pick any (or all of the soaps).  I’m absolutely in love with what I call the “scrubby soap” from Baudelaire.  It ends up being my shower soap of choice for the duration of the entire cruise.  I was excited to recently find that these are available – at a very reasonable bulk price – on Amazon.

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Baudelaire Hand Soap Sea Loofah – 5 pack of 5 oz barsInvalid request error occurred.

We also have a serious Molton Brown addiction at our house.  Jim fell in love with a specific shower gel after one hotel stay so we now keep our shower stocked with it which brings back memories of a special trip.

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Molton Brown Suma Ginseng Body Wash, 10 oz.Invalid request error occurred.

I love the Molton Brown hand wash which reminds me of flying British Airways first class a decade ago (when Molton Brown was still the lounge toiletry supplier).  I keep this by my sink and it brings me happy feelings every time I wash my hands!

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Molton Brown Hand Wash, Orange and Bergamot, 10 fl. oz.Invalid request error occurred.

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Flying in international premium cabins often comes along with the benefit of noise cancelling headphones.  While the over the ear variety are perfectly good for shared sets, I like having my in-ear pair instead.  You don’t want to be caught trying to sneak off with the airline’s set – and why should you when you can have your own personal pair.  This is a travel amenity to bring home before your next trip to avoid listening to calls on a plane or to take away your middle seat woes.

I like the Bose QuietComfort 20 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones.  They integrate nicely with my cellular phone to work as a headset and the multiple sizes of in-ear inserts mean I have a nice fit.

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Bose QuietComfort 20 Acoustic Noise Cancelling HeadphonesInvalid request error occurred.

Jim is a big fan of the Sennheiser brand.  They have a nice pair of collapsible over-ear headphones with a good price for those who prefer that format.

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Sennheiser PXC 250 II Collapsible Noise-Canceling HeadphonesInvalid request error occurred.

Clean White Bathrobe

I love a good hotel bathrobe.  There is something nice about wrapping myself in a nice clean white robe after a shower/bath.  That luxury is one of the easiest travel amenities to bring home.  That relaxing spa feeling can be yours after a rough day any time!

For warmer climates, a shorter light robe is nice to have, like this one.  I prefer a waffle weave variety to straight terry.  I find that the terry varieties tend to snag and look worn over time. We also like to have extras on hand so we never have to scramble on laundry day.  We also like to stock our guest bathroom for visitors.  The price on this product makes it easy to pick up a few at once.

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Luxury Waffle Weave Bathrobe – Spa and Hotel Quality Robe for Men and WomenInvalid request error occurred.

Magnifying Mirrors

Great hotels always have a good magnifying mirror with at least 10x magnification power.  I used to always wait to groom my eyebrows until I had a hotel stay.  Now I can do it anytime I want thanks to a hotel quality mirror.

There are dozens of good mirrors on the market, but this is the one I have at home and love.

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Tabletop Two-Sided Swivel Vanity Mirror with 10x MagnificationInvalid request error occurred.

Hot Chocolate Sticks

Another addiction that I decided to bring home was the hot chocolate sticks served at the coffee bar at Seabourn Square on the Seabourn ships.  These are designed to swirl in a cup of steamed milk and create decadent cups of drinking chocolate.

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Choc-o-lait, Solostick Flow PackInvalid request error occurred.

I like setting these out as a coffee bar option when hosting brunch or winter parties.  Now that we have a Breville Nespresso Creatista PlusInvalid request error occurred., it’s easier than ever for us to offer guests this treat. And I love the feeling of having a “grown up” coffee bar with many options. These taste good on their own OR with a splash of Kaluha or Bailey’s – perfect for serving with the airline minis that always seem to end up in my bag!


These are just a few of my favorite travel amenities to bring home with me – and often replenish!

Don’t forget to also check out some of our past travel favorite finds including the three secret travel toiletries I can’t live without, our summer travel essentials, products to avoid Zika, and products for great travel hair.

We’d love to hear from you – what are your favorite travel amenities to bring home to extend your travels?

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