420 Friendly Travels

The image shows a close-up of a bright green cannabis leaf with multiple pointed leaflets. The leaf is set against a background of dark green trees and a clear blue sky. The sunlight highlights the vibrant color and details of the leaf.
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Yesterday was April 20th. Otherwise known, informally anyways, as National Weed Day. And it coincides with World Cannabis Week, a festival and trade show in Denver. While it’s illegal to smoke pot in most states in the US, there are a few global destinations which are becoming known for their support of “weed tourism.”

First, There are Some Things You Should Know

While I don’t personally advocate using it, there are places where it is legally accepted. Alaska, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Washington state, and Washington, D.C. all allow the recreational use of marijuana. And while it is legal at the state level, it’s still not at the federal level. These countervailing sets of laws are tricky.

If you do choose to travel somewhere it’s legal, here are a few guidelines you should follow.

  • While you don’t have to hide using it, remember that discretion is well-advised
  • Definitely do not drive! Call an Uber or Lyft
  • Most states have an “open container” law so do not keep any in the passenger area of your car
  • Federal laws govern national parks and buildings so be advised that possession is illegal in those places
  • Do not take your leftovers to the airport or ship any back home.

Other Weed-Friendly Destinations

Besides the US states where this is legal, there are a few international destinations which are also amenanble to weed tourists. (They are great destinations, whether or not you partake.)

  • The Netherlands (of course)
  • Chile
  • Czech Republic
  • Jamaica

Although the reports are scarce, it seems North Korea may be one surprising locale where it is tolerated. And apparently, it grows wild there. Like, well…a weed.


    1. In reading through the entire article, I’m sure you noticed I don’t promote the use of marijuana, especially where it is illegal. I merely wanted to convey safe and responsible behaviors for those who do make that choice.

  1. Also an important thing is that with a few exceptions, open consumption is prohibited. For World Cannabis Week, they are offering special smoking shuttles and space for partaking at the trade show portion. You can get a ticket for smoking out in the open. The permit process is not completed for official partaking clubs in Denver yet.

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