Road Warrior Becomes Frequent Traveler

I’ve never attended a Frequent Traveler University – or any other kind of organized “travel education” event. But I’ve been a road warrior for sixteen years, something that brings with it a different kind of knowledge base.
I’ve briefly considered attending these events in the past but passed them over because the focus seemed more geared towards the recreational frequent traveler – the folks who mileage run or mattress run for status, engage in manufactured spending, and sometimes speak a completely different travel language than the business travel set.
But since Frequent Traveler University (and more specifically FTU Advanced) is coming to my hometown, I bit the bullet and bought a ticket. At $249, it’s not out of range with other “hobby” events I’ve attended in the past. (Case in point… I shudder to think how many thousands I have spent going to crafty-type weekend events over the years!)
While I’m not sure that the content is geared exactly towards my own travel interests – which tend to be more aligned with how to balance weekly business travel with life at home, how to efficiently manage the roadblocks that road warriors frequently encounter, being productive while traveling, and getting my expense reports turned in on time – I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to see the other side of the frequent travel world and one that many of my fellow travel bloggers specialize in.
Meanwhile, I’m secretly hoping that there are a few others like me that are there – the ones who do this every week and view the miles/points earned (and the resulting vacations) as part of our overall compensation package. Since this is in my hometown, I’m especially excited to have the opportunity to have a weekend (sort of) at home while still doing something frequent flyer related.
If you are interested in attending, you can register here.
There are two tracks – one for those who are new to frequent travel (or perhaps some of you friends at home who always ask me how I get to take such awesome vacations?!) and one for more advanced travelers (those who already have the miles and points lingo down and want to learn how to enhance that knowledge).
Registration for the regular session is $149 and for the advanced session is $249 and includes three days of sessions, a Friday night cocktail reception, Saturday and Sunday breakfast and lunch, and lots of one-on-one time with other frequent travelers, including many from the BoardingArea and Prior2Boarding blogger families.
I’m looking forward to learning more about how to make the world of “road warrior” meet the world of “frequent traveler”.
Just a heads-up, your link goes to the FTU-standard page, not the FTU-advanced.
And FTU-advanced seems to be sold out (I may be looking to find a resale ticket myself).