Premium Bonus Miles, Drama With Support Animals, and Lost Miles – The Weekly Recap

It has been an interesting week around the Jetsetter’s Homestead! We’ve had everything from support animals to lost miles. Couple that with a new job assignment for Jim and a return to a normal (finally!) road warrior schedule for Jennifer, and it has been a busy week! Let’s get right down to the weekly recap….
Recapping Our Week
Delta’s New Bag Tag: Your Face – Jim shared news of Delta’s new plan to use facial recognition for an old need.
TARGETED: Double or Triple Miles Offer on American Premium Class Flights – American rolled out not one but several targeted premium class bonus offers one day last week. Once we got past the logic that the triple EQMs were the same triple EQMs that we already earn for those fares, we realized this was not a game changer. We are buying up to first lately already though so more miles never hurt!
Emotional Support Animals – When Will Enough Be Enough? – This generated more comments than we’ve seen on anything else so far on our site this year. We’ll share some of the additional research we’ve done on emotional support animals soon. In the meantime, we have a quick story update from the passenger and other sources. American has apologized to the passenger and made appropriate amends after this story circulated up the operations food chain over the weekend. We’ve also traded some very intriguing emails on the particulars of the “fake” emotional support animal scamming. Make no mistake – we are 100% behind the legitimate service and support animals. It’s lying and cheating we take issue with.
How I Lost Miles – Thousands of Them – Through My Own Carelessness – Learn from my mistakes and don’t lose thousands of miles like I did. Trust me, you’ll thank me later!
Instagram Favorites
We love Instagram. It is a great place for us to share our day-to-day life with you. Whether it is the view from the window or our date night dinner, we like sharing a glimpse of our day. Follow us on Instagram at jetsettershomestead for that little slice of life. Speaking of social media, forget to follow us on Pinterest at JetsettersHome if you want access to our ever-growing stash of packing lists, clipped recipes, and home nesting inspiration.
Affiliate Spotlight
We pay for 100% of our travel and other reviewed/discussed items on Jetsetter’s Homestead unless otherwise explicitly disclosed. Affiliate or marketing partnerships help compensate us for the time and resources we put into Jetsetter’s Homestead. Our major affiliate partnership is with Amazon but we also have a growing list of other companies we have hand-selected. These companies pay us a small percentage of referred sales (or sometimes just product credit) if you use the links we provide. Each week we like to highlight one of the retailers we work with and why we like them!
One of the affiliates we like is CityPASS – a one-stop hub for pre-purchasing admission to major attractions in several major North American cities. So often when visiting a major city for the first time, we want to see everything! And seeing everything can get expensive. With CityPASS you get several benefits:
- An average savings of up to 50% when compared to Box Office Prices
- Skip lines at attractions
- Easy access booklets, just purchase and print
- Travel when you want, exchange vouchers within 6 months of purchase
- Visit attractions in any order on your own time, booklets valid for 9 days
- Available in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa Bay, and Toronto
Purchasing CityPASS for your summer vacation lets you pre-plan and budget for your trip ahead of time. It also makes a great gift for a traveler you know will be visiting one of those cities! (There is no word on what their policy is on emotional support animals… we’ll let you figure that one out for yourself.)
What’s Next?
This week I’m back to Ohio – that’s two weeks in a row. Then Friday we are very excited to see U2 for The Joshua Tree 3oth Anniversary Tour. (I previously mentioned, we were in high school during the original tour. Many of our classmates were there the night BB King tore it up at Tarrant County Convention Center on that tour. That performance is forever immortalized on the film Rattle & Hum and we have no doubts this will be equally epic!)