First Class Hate Speech

The image shows a handwritten note on a card from Delta Airlines. The card reads: "I'd like to take this opportunity to say... Sir, Thank you for giving up your seat for the Marine. Truly a class act! Captain Wood." The Delta Airlines website URL, "," is printed at the bottom right of the card. The background appears to be a dark surface, and part of a person's jeans and a white headphone cable are visible at the bottom of the image.
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A recent flight incident now making the media rounds has left us scratching our heads.  A professor at Drexel University witnessed a first class passenger on his Delta flight giving his seat to a uniformed soldier.  This act of kindness drew praise from many fellow passengers and the captain even went so far as to write the passenger a note.


The professor, however, was not amused by the action.  He tweeted he was “trying not to vomit.”


Not surprisingly, the tweet drew a lot of response, almost universally highly critical of the professor and his statement.  This professor is no stranger to controversy having once tweeted “All I want for Christmas is White Genocide”.  Many of the people responding considered the tweet hate speech and called for his dismissal from Drexel.

What do you think? Is giving a first class seat to a military member an act of hate speech?  Or a political statement itself?


  1. Someone voluntarily signed up for an organization which kills civilians for no reason other than those civilians being in a shitty place.

    That someone is now rewarded everywhere (not just here in first class, elsewhere too with military benefits) and applauded for that decision to join a murderous organization.

    How would you feel if your family was bombed on, or people you cared about were bombed on, and then the people who willingly joined that organization were “respected” and given undue benefits everywhere (knowing full well that its involves killing people before joining, or not leaving atleast).

  2. The passenger giving up his seat to anyone is a kind gesture. Be it a soldier, someone with a disability, someone elderly, etc. The professor is a racist based on previous tweets and a moron based on this one. The professor is entitled to his opinion and can spout it on social media if he wants to but not without repercussions. His employer can easily view those comments as something they don’t want their faculty spouting in a public forum and reprimand him. I hope they do.

  3. And those people poisoning our kids’ minds in Universities. Spewing their hatred towards all what’s good and decent in this world. This Prof. should be sacked and not being paid from taxpayers’ money.

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