Whining? Or Reality? The Weekly Update

There’s no place like home. I’m repeating Dorothy’s famous mantra today after spending 14 of the last 16 days on the road. That’s a higher than normal ratio and not one I want to sustain. I’m not whining but it is real.
Jim, on the other hand, continues to work on a project remotely. That means he’s using the kitchen to whip up homemade soups I’ll never taste and erasing recordings off the DVR before I can watch them. (His excuse? “Honey, you forgot to record Last Week Tonight in HD so I was doing you a favor.” Uh huh.)
Me? It’s been two back-to-back trips to California. Different cities but identical menus in first class. It all feels like a bit of a blur.
I dared to mention that the Groundhog Day nature of this and drew the ire of one commenter. I wasn’t whining but rather telling it like it is. Posts like our weekly recap are much more upbeat and equally real.
In the meantime, Jim wrote about the comment period on airline cellular usage. The conversation about The Bachelor did actually occur across the aisle from me on my very next flight. Coincidence? I think not. I’m trying not to be paranoid now that I know that the CIA can drop in on my WhatsApp conversations. I’m also convinced they are using my Alexa to eavesdrop.
I did get Sunday night at home and we snuck away to a local favorite for dinner, prompting Jim to write about the taste of being at home. For him, that means revisiting some of the old favorites from our town. As we both grew up here, we have each developed our favorites over four decades. For Jim, one of those is Joe T Garcia’s in Fort Worth.
The place is an institution and out-of-towners always want to visit there. The margaritas are good and it is a fun place to visit with friends or for a quick date night like we had during my quick pit stop at home on Sunday night. It is cash only and when they are busy, there are basically two options – the Mexican dinner (cheese nachos, enchiladas, a taco, rice, beans, and guacamole) – or fajitas (beef or chicken) with rice, beans, and guacamole.
On the weekends with nice weather, the line can stretch around the block and it’s definitely a see-and-be-seen place among locals.
I’ll let you in on a little secret… I’m actually NOT nuts about their food (although I could just devour a plate of their cheese nachos and be very happy) but I also recognize that Tex-Mex is a very subjective thing. We will individually defend our favorites and have over a half-dozen spots on regular rotation just to satisfy all parties.
Our round up last week apparently influenced our grocery shopping somewhat. I noticed fresh citrus in the kitchen fruit bowl. Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but I’m waiting on my Cadbury Crème Eggs to appear. *cough*
I made it home yesterday just in time for date night. We enjoyed a quiet dinner at Cane Rosso. Its become a chain of sorts in Texas, but I’ve been enjoying their food since the original location so it doesn’t feel that way to me. The angioletti made me feel like I was back in Venice and we’ll have leftover lunch today from our OMB wood-fired pizza.
It looks as if the tables may flip as the month goes on. Right now, I have no travel planned until month end but Jim may be headed out again soon. We’ll enjoy the time at home while we can. That includes getting our butts back into the gym! More on that next week along with some of my recent thoughts about Uber (yes, it has been far too long since I’ve visited that topic).
For now, its off to Aqua Zumba and a productive Saturday at home. Ciao!