Oscars, Ice Storms, and Other Updates
Greetings from the Hyatt Regency DFW where I’m waiting out the impending ice storm. I’m due to fly to Buffalo tomorrow (insert “out of frying pan, into fire” style comment here) and know better than to try to drive in Texas when this stuff hits. So I’m camped out watching the Oscars and hoping that perhaps Delta’s schedule will fare better than American’s tomorrow. (Yes, I’m still doing that Delta thing!) Rumor is that American has cancelled a huge chunk of tomorrow’s DFW schedule – but they also at least announced a travel waiver early.
So here I am, camped out eating room service (although they couldn’t seem to get that right… and my television video is off 2-3 seconds from the audio so its like watching a warped show. Ah, the perils of the road.
Its been another crazy week around the homestead. On Monday I flew from New Orleans straight into the winter storm mess – I dodged one near miss at Atlanta and landed in Syracuse to temperatures below zero late that night. I then drove further north into the cold before flying home on Wednesday via NYC (in between storms). I got to spend a couple days at home for some critical meetings, enjoyed my birthday with friends and family, and now I’m waiting to go back into the fray for another week. I’m anticipating this one being a six hotel week if I ever get out of here… all the more inspiration to eventually catch up on my hotel reviews.
I’d planned to spend tonight at home watching the Oscars – instead I found myself packing quickly, directly out of the dryer (thank you for good packing lists). It’s a far cry from what I traditionally have done on my birthday weekend, but I’m breaking some old travel habits!
I never announced my winner on Wednesday (and admittedly, I’m paranoid about that now since a fellow blogger announced on Twitter a few weeks ago that it’s a douchebag thing to do that!) – but franci, you are my winner! I’ve got a nice big box of Mardi Gras swag ready to send you when I get back! And thank you to all who weighed in on Ash Wednesday on the road, Mardi Gras, or other related topics!
I’m hoping I get out tomorrow… and that it’s NOT in a middle seat (although those commandments will help me if I am). If I’m