What Do Manspreading, Romance, and Candy Have in Common? The Weekly Recap

Greetings from home… after five trips already this year, it was nice to wake up in my own bed this morning. It was especially nice given that I woke up sick. Almost like clockwork, I get sick every year right around the last weeks of January. Usually its the result of the time zone hopping I do the first part of the month combined with the dramatic climate changes that go with it. I’d like to think that standing outside in the ice cold rain in midtown Manhattan yesterday did not help either.
That cold rain seemed to help the Patriots out yesterday. If my Green Bay Packers had to lose to Seattle in a nail biting finish, at least my second favorite team is going to the Super Bowl. (Hint… second favorite team is NOT named the Seahawks!) Still… a Pack/Pats Super Bowl would have made me SO happy (and conflicted… but still happy!)
It was a busy week for me both on the road – I covered six flights, five states, and a cruise ship. But the weekly recap is less about my mileage (and where I slept) and more about what I wrote about. I always enjoy this look back as I can see all the places I have gone with my keyboard.
On the site, we hit a lot of lighter topics such as the science behind vacation romances and the Cadbury Crème Egg controversy in the UK. Some may say that last one isn’t light at all… quite a serious subject for some, I hear! And on Saturday, we talked about the social habit of manspreading. Someone told me I missed the mark with the headline… which *should* have been “Manspreading – Is It a Big Thing?!” Very punny, indeed!
I reposted a special Throwback Thursday post from my old site. They Know Why I Fly?! is still one of my favorite pieces from way back (ten years ago, to be exact) and the sentiments still resonate with me a decade later and a couple million more miles under me.
We are finally back in the groove of catching up on the neglected Indonesia trip report. Now that I have given up trying to get my GoPro footage edited (I’ll figure that software out eventually), I am posting the rest of my segments. The bit on Borobudur is a should read just because it’s a gorgeous place and even though I know that my words and photos do not do it justice, I want more people to know about this spectacular temple.
And I shared my weekly favorites from my fellow bloggers at Prior2Boarding. Our group is both growing and changing – Miles to Memories recently got called up to the big leagues at Boarding Area and we got a new blog on board – Don’t Call the Airline – and there are more on the way.
I love being able to grow my readership alongside all these great writers. How can you help me do that? Several ways – subscribe to my newsletter or RSS feed, follow me on social media (see all those little buttons over on the right?!), or just share anything I post here that you like.
Coming up this week… I’ll have another story about Uber that I think will be the most surprising one yet (I’ve fact checked it three or four times because I can’t believe it myself!) and I’ll have more travel reviews coming (those suckers are stacking up as my travel piles on). I may even shock a few people who know my travel patterns by doing something radical before the week is out. You’ll just have to check back here to see what happens next.
Until then, make it awesome!